Local News Designed For Streaming Audiences

Focus is on Local Stories

The Local is dedicated exclusively to covering local, regional, and state-level news, leaving national and international coverage to organizations better suited for those areas. By prioritizing local news, The Local aims to address the growing gap created by the decline of community-focused reporting across the country.

Our mission is to provide comprehensive, reliable, and thoroughly researched coverage of each story. This commitment ensures that every report meets the highest journalistic standards for fairness, accuracy, and completeness. Stories are aired only when they are fully prepared, ensuring viewers can trust the quality of our reporting.

To deepen engagement and understanding, additional information for every story is accessible through the N2 website or news app. This expanded content allows consumers to explore the details further, whether they’re reading on their devices, listening during a commute, browsing social media, or relaxing at the end of their day.

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it" may be a common refrain, but in today's rapidly evolving world, the only constant is change. Declining newspaper subscriptions, growing distrust in media institutions, the rise of the internet, streaming, and social media — these are all symptoms of a media landscape in constant flux. Yet, despite this whirlwind of change, local newscasts remain stubbornly stuck in the past, mirroring formats from 50 years ago.

Consider the typical local newscast: 30 minutes long, with a mere 12 minutes dedicated to actual news, sandwiched between weather, sports, and commercials. The average local news story lasts a paltry 41 seconds, a stark contrast to the 2 minutes and 43 seconds allotted to stories on national news programs. This brevity, as legendary anchorman Walter Cronkite lamented, reduces news to a mere "headline service," failing to provide the depth and context audiences need.

The rise of hour-long hosted talk programs further complicates the media landscape. While these programs offer commentary and opinion on current events, they often lack original reporting, blurring the line between news and opinion. This blurring contributes to confusion, amplifies hyperbole, and injects "alternative facts" into the news ecosystem, eroding trust, fueling public anger, and ultimately threatening the foundations of democracy.

Audiences are increasingly migrating away from traditional broadcast platforms, seeking news and entertainment on social media and streaming services. Recognizing this shift, N2 prioritizes delivering essential local journalism to these digital platforms.

Audiences are increasingly migrating away from traditional broadcast platforms, seeking news and entertainment on social media and streaming services. Recognizing this shift, N2 prioritizes delivering essential local journalism to these digital platforms.

As an independent news organization committed to original reporting, N2 is dedicated to rebuilding trust in journalism. We aim to create a news ecosystem that provides reliable information, holds public officials accountable, and strengthens the foundations of democracy. We are confident in the power and viability of this approach.

Only Local News

News Delivered Honestly

At N2, we understand that our success hinges on delivering news with unwavering accuracy and integrity. We are committed to the highest standards of journalism, meticulously verifying every fact and ensuring clarity in every story. Our audience deserves nothing less than the truth, presented with transparency and precision.

What makes us different?