Local Examples
It is easy to overlook the historical significance of people, places, and things, even when they’re familiar. To educate the public, we let experts share their knowledge in their own words, helping viewers become better informed and learn things they may not have known before.
By necessity, typical 12-minute local news segments must leave out important details that matter to the story. Our stories have no time limits which gives our correspondents the ability to get into details that matter, but are rarely covered.
Nashville’s Parthenon
Border Delays Impact Local Business
Spatial Video
Spatial video provides an opportunity for viewers to literally see more of the story that they would on any other platform. This examples shows the expanse of the largest US/Mexico border crossing and provides a sense of what a massive and complex undertaking border operations and security are.
NOTE: you will need a device such as VisionPro or Meta Quest 3 to experience this video in full spatial mode.