About Us

Journalism First

Informing Democracy

N2 Media Holdings is a content creation company dedicated to reimagining local newscasts for the streaming era. Our daily newscasts cover all 50 states and are available on a major streaming platform. We prioritize in-depth coverage often missing from traditional local newscasts, focusing on stories crucial for an informed democracy.

Established in 2022, our team comprises a diverse group of entrepreneurial news producers, editors, reporters, and executives, along with industry outsiders. Together, we possess over 70 years of combined journalism and business experience, having reported news at various levels, across the globe, and on multiple platforms. Our expertise spans local, national, and international beats, encompassing areas like government, business, sports, weather, special interests, conflicts, peace, education, and demographics. We understand how to cover and convey the stories the public seeks and needs, delivering them promptly, wherever they seek current information or entertainment.

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    New events will be listed here as they are announced.